Japanese journal Fossils

Fossils (Japanese title "Kaseki") is a peer-reviewed journal written in Japanese and is published twice a year (March and September).
Fossils Archives (Open Access)
vol. 114
vol. 113
vol. 112
vol. 111
vol. 110
vol. 109
vol. 108
vol. 107
vol. 106
vol. 105
vol. 104
vol. 103
vol. 102
vol. 101
vol. 100
vol. 99
vol. 98
vol. 97
vol. 96
vol. 95
vol. 94
vol. 93
vol. 92
vol. 91
vol. 90
vol. 89
vol. 88
vol. 87
vol. 86
vol. 85
vol. 84
vol. 83
vol. 82
vol. 81
vol. 80
vol. 79
vol. 78
vol. 77
vol. 76
vol. 75
vol. 74
vol. 73
vol. 72
Submit your paper to the Fossils
Please see Japanese site for how to submit your manuscript to the Fossils.