Become a member!
Membership of the Palaeontological Society of Japan is open to everyone. If you wish to become a member, please contact our office: psj-office(at) (please change (at) as @).
Membership Fee
Regular member (living in Japan): 8,000 yen/year
Regular member (living outside Japan): 10,000 yen/year
Special member: 10,000 yen/year
Subscription member (entitled to receive a printed copy of our quarterly international journal, Paleontological Research): 7,000 yen/year
Institutional member: 15,000 yen/year
Honorary member: no charge
Students and senior discounts
Students and senior citizens (over 65 years old) can apply for discount.
The membership fee for students is 4,000 yen/year and for seniors (over 65 years old) 5,000 yen/year.
To get the student or senior discount, you have to submit an application form to the Society.
After the approval of the Standing Committee of the Society, the discount will apply from the next fiscal year (April-March).
Note that you have to send your application by the end of January to get the discount for the following fiscal year.
The standing committee has agreed that senior citizen discount prices will continue indefinitely, while student discount rates will continue for the period of validity of a student ID,
which is required to be shown at the time of submitting the application for a student discount.
*Note that if you receive monthly salary from JSPS or other similar organizations, you will not get the discount.
Please contact office of the Society for further details.