
Stranded: The Conquest of Fresh Water by Marine Ostracods

Anna Iglikowska
vol. 18, no. 3, p. 125-133, (1 July 2014)

Asymmetrical Basal Delphinoid Skull from the Upper Lower Miocene Yamato Formation of Hokkaido, Northern Japan: Implications on Evolution Of Cranial Asymmetry and Symmetry in Odontoceti

Mizuki Murakami, Chieko Shimada, Yoshinori Hikida, Hiromichi Hirano
vol. 18, no. 3, p. 134-149, (1 July 2014)

Microfossil Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Upper Pliocene Kuwae Formation, Northeast Japan

Takashi Goto, Toshiaki Irizuki, Yukio Yanagisawa, Hiroki Hayashi
vol. 18, no. 3, p. 150-168, (1 July 2014)

The Gastropod Genus Calyptraphorus (Rostellariidae: Stromboidea: Mollusca): A Lazarus Taxon from the Pliocene of the Philippines

Tomoki Kase, Yolanda M. Aguilar
vol. 18 no. 3, p. 169-175, (1 July 2014)

A New Species of Anagaudryceras (Ammonoidea, gaudryceratidae) From The Lowest Maastrichtian of Hokkaido, Japan

Yasunari Shigeta, Tomohiro Nishimura
vol. 18, no. 3, p. 176-185, (1 July 2014)