※古生物学会会員の皆様はメンバーページ経由ですと 各論文のPDFもダウンロードできます(vol.7以降).それ以前の号は本ページもしくはJ-STAGEからどなたでも閲覧可能です.

Vol.14 No.1

Tomita, T. and Oji, T., 2010: Habitat Reconstruction of Oligocene Elasmobranchs from Yamaga Formation, Ashiya Group, Western Japan. Paleontological Research, Vol.14 No.1, 69-80. 10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.069. http://dx.doi.org/10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.069

Itaki, T., Kimoto, K. and Hasegawa, S., 2010: Polycystine Radiolarians in the Tsushima Strait in Autumn of 2006. Paleontological Research, Vol.14 No.1, 19-32. 10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.019. http://dx.doi.org/10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.019

Maeda, H., Kumagae, T., Matsuoka, H. and Yamazaki, Y., 2010: Taphonomy of Large Canadoceras (Ammonoid) Shells in the Upper Cretaceous Series in South Sakhalin, Russia. Paleontological Research, Vol.14 No.1, 56-68. 10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.056. http://dx.doi.org/10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.056

Matsubara, T., 2010: Cerithium harzhauseri nom. nov., a New Replacement Name for Cerithium (Ptychocerithium) Archiaci , non Cerithium archiaci (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Paleontological Research, Vol.14 No.1, 81-82. 10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.081. http://dx.doi.org/10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.081

Nishimura, T., Maeda, H., Tanaka, G. and Ohno, T., 2010: Taxonomic Evaluation of Various Morphological Characters in the Late Cretaceous Desmoceratine Polyphyletic Genus “Damesites” from the Yezo Group in Hokkaido and Sakhalin. Paleontological Research, Vol.14 No.1, 33-55. 10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.033. http://dx.doi.org/10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.033

Ozawa, H. and Domitsu, H., 2010: Early Pleistocene Ostracods from the Hamada Formation in the Shimokita Peninsula, Northeastern Japan: the Palaeobiogeographic Significance of their Occurrence for the Shallow-Water Fauna. Paleontological Research, Vol.14 No.1, 1-18. 10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.001. http://dx.doi.org/10.2517/1342-8144-14.1.001

Vol.14 No.2目次へ>>

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