※古生物学会会員の皆様はメンバーページ経由ですと 各論文のPDFもダウンロードできます(vol.7以降).それ以前の号は本ページもしくはJ-STAGEからどなたでも閲覧可能です.

Vol.4 No.3

Nomura, R. and Takayanagi, Y., 2000: The suprageneric classification of the foraminiferal genus Murrayinella and a new species from Japan. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 171-181. 10.2517/prpsj.4.171.

Sugiyama, K., 2000: Replacement names for Permian stauraxon radiolarians. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 227-228. 10.2517/prpsj.4.227.

Tsubamoto, T., Holroyd, P. A., Takai, M., Shigehara, N., Aung, A. K., Thein, T. I. N., Aung, N. S. and Soe, T. T., 2000: Upper premolar dentitions of Deperetella birmanica (Mammalia : Perissodactyla : Deperetellidae) from the Eocene Pondaung Formation, Myanmar. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 183-189. 10.2517/prpsj.4.183.

Mohiuddin, M. M., Ogawa, Y. and Matsumaru, K., 2000: Late Oligocene larger foraminifera from the Komahashi-Daini Seamount, Kyushu-Palau Ridge and their tectonic significance. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 191-204. 10.2517/prpsj.4.191.

Ikegami, N., Kellner, A. W. A. and Tomida, Y., 2000: The presence of an azhdarchid pterosaur in the Cretaceous of Japan. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 165-170. 10.2517/prpsj.4.165.

Jana, S. K., Bardhan, S. and Sardar, S. K., 2000: Kheraiceras Spath (Ammonoidea)-new forms and records from the Middle Jurassic sequence of the Indian Subcontinent. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 205-225. 10.2517/prpsj.4.205.

Mohiuddin, M. M., Ogawa, Y. and Matsumaru, K., 2000: Late Oligocene larger foraminifera from the Komahashi-Daini Seamount, Kyushu-Palau Ridge and their tectonic significance. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 191-204. 10.2517/prpsj.4.191.

Nomura, R. and Takayanagi, Y., 2000: The suprageneric classification of the foraminiferal genus Murrayinella and a new species from Japan. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 171-181. 10.2517/prpsj.4.171.

Sugiyama, K., 2000: Replacement names for Permian stauraxon radiolarians. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 227-228. 10.2517/prpsj.4.227.

Tsubamoto, T., Holroyd, P. A., Takai, M., Shigehara, N., Aung, A. K., Thein, T. I. N., Aung, N. S. and Soe, T. T., 2000: Upper premolar dentitions of Deperetella birmanica (Mammalia : Perissodactyla : Deperetellidae) from the Eocene Pondaung Formation, Myanmar. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 183-189. 10.2517/prpsj.4.183.

Ikegami, N., Kellner, A. W. A. and Tomida, Y., 2000: The presence of an azhdarchid pterosaur in the Cretaceous of Japan. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 165-170. 10.2517/prpsj.4.165.

Jana, S. K., Bardhan, S. and Sardar, S. K., 2000: Kheraiceras Spath (Ammonoidea)-new forms and records from the Middle Jurassic sequence of the Indian Subcontinent. Paleontological Research, Vol.4 No.3, 205-225. 10.2517/prpsj.4.205.

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