ただし、以下リンク先のコンテンツについて、学会が学問的保証を行っているわけではございません。問題のあるコンテンツがございましたらkouhou (at) palaeo-soc-japan.sakura.ne.jp(atを@に変更)までご連絡ください。
- 古生物学 基礎編01 古生物学とは? その1
- Fossil Record Mystery | National Geographic
- Fossils & Evidence For Evolution | Evolution | Biology | FuseSchool
- What is the Fossil Record? - Dr. Kurt Wise
- Paleontology: Paleontologists study fossils
- How good is the fossil record?
- What Is A Fossil?
- Fossil Discontinuities: Refutation of Darwinism & Confirmation of Intelligent Design - Gunter Bechly
- The Fossil Record: Proof of Noah's Flood or Evolution
- Principles of Stratigraphy and Cross-Cutting Relationships
- Stratigraphy -- Reading Earth's History
- Rock & Fossil Correlation
- 地層のでき方地層①
- 地層がずれてできる断層 | クリップ | NHK for School
- 【地層と生物】堆積岩
- Identifying Transgressions and Regressions in Rock Sequences
- sequence stratigraphy
- The Geological Timescale
- Chibanian geologic age
- Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection 日本語訳付き
- What is Evolution?
- How Evolution works 日本語訳付き
- Facts of Evolution / Natural Selection
- The Making of a Theory: Darwin, Wallace, and Natural Selection ? HHMI BioInteractive Video
- Galapagos Finch Evolution ? HHMI BioInteractive Video
- Natural Selection and the Rock Pocket Mouse ? HHMI BioInteractive Video
- The Origin of Four-Legged Animals ? HHMI BioInteractive Video
- The DNA Double Helix Discovery ? HHMI BioInteractive Video
- The Origin of Flight--What Use is Half a Wing? | HHMI BioInteractive Video
- Evidence for evolution | Biology | Khan Academy
- Natural Selection - Crash Course Biology #14
- 2016-02-02 生物進化論の新しい展開
- TED: Does Colour Exist? Andrew Parker (色は存在するのか.生物・古生物の色)
- Index fossils
- Pollen Fossils Reveal Past Climate
- Radioactive Dating
- Radiometric dating / Carbon dating
- NASA | Evolution of the Moon
- 月は地球のマグマオーシャンからできた
- Exploring the Geology of Mars
- Driving on the Surface of Mars
- Mars 101 | National Geographic
- Sedimentary History Of Mars
- New Mars Curiosity Rover Pictures
- NASA | Measuring Mars' Ancient Ocean
- A primitive ocean on Mars
- A Brief History of Geologic Time
- Earth: A History (HD - 720P)
- History Of Earth In 9 Minutes
- Spending a Day on Earth 1 Billion Years In the Future
- Spending a Day on Earth 4 Billion Years Ago
- 全地球史アトラス 1.地球誕生
- 全地球史アトラス 2.プレートテクトニクス
- 全地球史アトラス 3.原始生命誕生
- 全地球史アトラス 4.生命進化の第1ステージ
- 全地球史アトラス 5.生命進化の第2ステージ
- 全地球史アトラス 6.生命進化の第3ステージ
- 全地球史アトラス 7.生命大進化の夜明け前
- 全地球史アトラス 8.カンブリア紀の生命大進化
- 全地球史アトラス 9.古生代
- 全地球史アトラス 10.中生代から人類の誕生まで
- 全地球史アトラス 11.人類代~人類誕生と文明の構築
- 全地球史アトラス 12.地球の未来
- The Evolution of Life part 1 : Ediacaran
- The Evolution of Life part 2 : Cambrian
- The Evolution of Life part 3 : Ordovician
- The Evolution of Life part 4 : Silurian
- The Evolution of Life part 5 : Devonian
- The Evolution of Life part 6 : Carboniferous
- The Evolution of Life part 7 : Permian
- The Evolution of Life part 8 : Triassic
- The Evolution of Life part 9 : Jurassic
- The Evolution of Life part 10 : Cretaceous
- The Evolution of Life part 11 : Paleogene
- The Evolution of Life part 12 : Neogene
- The Evolution of Life part 13 : Quaternary
- The Whole Saga of the Supercontinents
- プレートテクトニクスの基礎1:海洋リソスフェアの生成と破壊
- plate tectonics
- Plate Tectonics
- Plate Tectonics Theory Lesson
- Plate Tectonics 540Ma
- 300 Million Years of the Future World (Pangaea Proxima)
- 現在から2億5000万年後までの大陸移動とマントル対流の時間変化
- Continental Drift [Updated 2018]
- How Earth Will Look In 250 million Years
- Cenozoic Plate Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Asia (Paano nabuo ang Pilipinas) by Robert Hall
- Plate Tectonic Evolution of North America - Scotese Animation
- 動く日本列島 -電子基準点で求めた全国水平地殻変動1997~2018-
- 動く日本列島 -電子基準点で求めた西日本の水平地殻変動1997~2019
- The Most Useful Fossils in the World
- Fossils 101 | National Geographic
- 20 - Ichnofacies | Trace Fossils |
- 10 Living Fossils
- Oldest LIVING Fossils Around The World!
- Living Fossils, Evolution, and Cryptids
- Living Fossils - Full Episode
- Living Fossils' Aren't Really a Thing
- Micro Paleontology
- Processing Microfossils
- IODP Expedition 320 -- Micropaleontology
- 浮遊性有孔虫の生態解明にむけた取り組み
- サイエンティスト・トーク「有孔虫は教えてくれる-生命の不思議と地球のしくみ」
- CT scan fossil Planktonic foraminifera / 浮遊性有孔虫
- Foraminifera
- The Tiniest Fossils - Shelf Life #6
- Benthic Foraminiferal Microhabitat by Prof. Frans Jorissen
- Mysterious Web Masters - FORAMINIFERA
- 2A1.Foraminiferal Classification.mov
- Radiolarian Micropalaeontology: Extracting Radiolaria from Sediment
- Radiolarian Micropalaeontology: Collecting Radiolaria
- CT scan fossil Radiolaria / 放散虫
- 3D Movie of Radiolarian
- Coccolithophores: Function and Future
- Helen Czerski - Coccolithophores and Calcium
- Coccolithophores
- Episode 81: Coccolithophores
- Diatoms: Collecting Core Samples in Lake Superior
- Diatom algae populations tell a story about climate change in Greenland - Science Nation
- What Makes Diatoms So Special
- The Beauty of Diatoms - Perspectives on Ocean Science
- Evolution of Cnidarians
- The Evolution of Worms
- Mollusca I : Bivalves and Gastropods
- Mollusca II : Cephalopods (part 1) Ammonites
- Molluscs III : Cephalopods (part 2) Squids and Octopus
- The Evolution of Crustaceans
- The Evolution of early Fish
- The Evolution of Amphibians I : The conquest of the mainland
- The Evolution of Amphibians II : Modern frogs and early Reptiles
- Evolution of Early Reptiles
- Evolution of Marine reptiles
- The Evolution of Turtles
- Evolution of Squamates I : Lizards
- Evolution of Squamates II : Snakes
- Evolution of Crocodiles
- The Evolution of Pterosaurs
- BIRDS I : Early birds and Paleognathae
- BIRDS II : Galloanserae
- Plant Evolution
- Plant Evolution (updated)
- Evolution of Plants
- The Origins of Flowers
- DNAからタンパク質へ?3D
- Introduction to the Origin of Life
- 私たち真核生物はどうやって地球上に誕生したか?新しい進化説E3モデル?
- 地球の生命の起源はどこ?化学進化説 vs. パンスペルミア説、ユーリ・ミラーの実験
- 生命の起源はいつか・生命とは何か : 高井 研#3 SCHOLAR.professor
- 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会トップセミナー:高井研先生「地球生命誕生物語」
- The Evolution of early Animals
- When The Earth Was Purple
- That Time Oxygen Almost Killed Everything
- How Evolution Works (And How We Figured It Out)
- Grypania | Wikipedia audio article
- Hydrothermal vents in the deep sea
- Hydrothermal Vents: 2016 Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas
- Life at deep sea hydrothermal vents: biodiversity in a new resource frontier
- ABC Catalyst S12E16 Deep Sea Mining
- History of Earth and the Early Atmosphere
- What are Stromatolites?
- Stromatolite formation
- Hamelin Pool Stromatolites - short film of the 'living fossils' living in Shark Bay W Australia
- The Stromatolites - Shark Bay, Western Australia
- What are stromatolites and cyanobacteria
- Evolution and Oxygen
- How banded iron was formed
- How a single-celled organism almost wiped out life on Earth - Anusuya Willis
- Australia The First 4 Billion Years - Awakening
- ドキュメンタリーNHKスペシャル 地球大進化「第02集 全球凍結」
- NHKスペシャル「地球大進化」第2集 全球凍結 大型生物誕生の謎
- Snowball Earth | How the Universe Works
- Catastrophe - Episode 2 - Snowball Earth
- Two Catastrophes: Snowball Earth & The Permian Extinction
- Snowball Earth? | National Geographic
- Miracle Planet : Snowball Earth
- New 'Snowball Earth' theory could change how we understand extreme climate
- How Volcanoes Froze the Earth (Twice)
- The Search for the Earliest Life
- Where Did Viruses Come From?
- How Earth's First Unkillable Animals Saved the World
- 610 million-year-old embryo fossils found in Guizhou, China
- The Ediacaran Period: Glimpses of the Earth's Earliest Animals
- The Ediacara biota and first mass extinction of metazoan life
- Ediacaran Fauna Overview
- The Other Explosion You Should Know About
- Is Dickinsonia our oldest ancestor?
- The Tommotiida ? new insights into an enigmatic group of early Cambrian Lophotrochozoans
- What caused the Cambrian explosion?
- カンブリア大爆発(ダイジェスト)
- From the Cambrian Explosion to the Great Dying
- Cambrian Explosion Animals
- The Cambrian Explosion
- カンブリア大爆発(ダイジェスト)
- アノマロカリス | クリップ | NHK for School
- Gentle giants of the Cambrian
- Anomalocaris - Sea Monster
- short movie THE LIFE -draft-
- Australia: The Time Traveller's Guide | Anomalocaris | Starts Sunday, 25 March, 7.30pm, ABC1
- Animation 1: From Oceans: Origins of Life
- Opabinia
- Pikaia
- Hallucigenia: The worm with the missing head
- Burgess Shale Interpretive Hike - Yoho National Park
- Huge Fossil Discovery Made in China's Hubei Province - 2019
- When Fish Wore Armor
- When Giant Fungi Ruled
- Welcome to the Ordovician
- Late Ordovician Mass Extinction (Ordovician - Silurian)
- The Ordovician Extinction Documentary
- Earth's five mass extinctions
- The 5 Major Extinctions Of This Planet - Racing Extinction
- 地球の大量絶滅ランキングトップ5
- ドキュメンタリー2016: 地球大進化「第04集 大量絶滅」
- The Hidden Secrets of the Ordovician Age
- When Fish First Breathed Air
- When Giant Scorpions Swarmed the Seas
- When Giant Amphibians Reigned
- The Tully Monster & Other Problematic Creatures
- 5億年前の地球。ゴンドワナ大陸のシミュレーション
- The Age of Giant Insects
- When Insects First Flew
- When the Rainforests Collapsed
- When the Synapsids Struck Back
- Dimetrodon: Our Most Unlikely Ancestor
- The Ancient 'Mammals' that Reigned Before the Dinosaurs
- How the Squid Lost Its Shell
- 恐竜以前の世界
- 宇宙科学 - NHKスペシャル「地球大進化」第4集 大量絶滅 巨大噴火が哺乳類を生んだ
- Permian-Triassic Mayhem: Earth's Largest Mass Extinction
- The Extinction That Never Happened
- The Trouble With Trilobites
- The Permian Extinction
- Fireball Earth: The Permian Extinction - History Documentary
- Clues to the End-Permian Extinction
- Siberian Traps likely triggered end-Permian mass extinction
- Evolution Permian-Triassic Extinction
- Permian Triassic Extinction Event Boundary - Bulli Coal Measures
- Warm Oceans, Oxygen Depleted Seas - (Great Extinction) 2 of 4
- The Croc That Ran on Hooves
- Why Triassic Animals Were Just the Weirdest
- Mosasaurs 101 | National Geographic
- Ichthyosaurs 101 | National Geographic
- Plesiosaurs 101 | National Geographic
- Predator X hunts in deep water | Planet Dinosaur | BBC
- Pterosaurs 101 | National Geographic
- Dinosaurs 101 | National Geographic
- Dinosaur Supremacy | Walking With Dinosaurs | BBC Earth
- How Did Dinosaurs Get So Huge?
- Why Triassic Animals Were Just the Weirdest
- The Evolution of Early Mammals
- 125 million years ago: First prehistoric primitive mammals
- The Biggest Thing That Ever Flew
- The Croc That Ran on Hooves
- How Pterosaurs Got Their Wings
- When Ichthyosaurs Led a Revolution in the Seas
- Infant Allosauruses - Walking with Dinosaurs: Ballad of Big Al - BBC
- An Illustrated History of Dinosaurs
- The Raptor That Made Us Rethink Dinosaurs
- The Giant Dinosaur That Was Missing a Body
- The Age of Reptiles in Three Acts
- The Facts About Dinosaurs & Feathers
- From the Fall of Dinos to the Rise of Humans
- History's Most Powerful Plants
- When Did the First Flower Bloom?
- The Case of the Dinosaur Egg Thief
- Was This Dinosaur a Cannibal?
- The Smell of Prey | Walking with Dinosaurs in HQ | BBC
- Stegosaurs: Tiny Brains & Thagomizers
- A Short Tale About Diplodocus' Long Neck
- What Colors Were Dinosaurs?
- How the T-Rex Lost Its Arms
- The Weird Watery Tale of Spinosaurus
- Spinosaurus fishes for prey | Planet Dinosaur | BBC
- Did Raptorex Really Exist?
- 【恐竜CG】ティラノサウルスも狙う!海の王者モササウルス
- 【恐竜CG】巨大羽毛恐竜・デイノケイルス
- 【恐竜CG】ティラノサウルスvs.トリケラトプス
- 【恐竜CG】最強恐竜ティラノサウルスは夜の狩りもすごかった
- 【恐竜CG】ティラノサウルスは毛むくじゃら
- 【恐竜CG】丹波竜 vs. ティラノサウルスの仲間
- 【恐竜CG】実は日本にもティラノサウルスの仲間がいた
- 【恐竜CG】日本の海を支配したモササウルスと首長竜の狩り【これが恐竜王国ニッポンだ!×
- ティラノサウルスとデイノスクスに追い詰められたクリトサウルス
- 180 mln-year-old dinosaur fossils discovered in SW China
- 20 Biggest Theropod Dinosaurs (Only Carnivorous Theropods)
- Theropod Dinosaur Size Comparison
- Dinosaur Size Comparison 3D - Smallest to Biggest
- Pterosaurs Size Comparison
- Archaeopteryx: The World's Most Famous Bird
- Solnhofen
- Day 4: Solnhofen Quarry and Fossil Museum
- Archaeopteryx EN
- Dinosaurs 4K | ARCHAEOPTERYX - The very first Bird | Dinosaur video | NEW PREHISTORY
- ARCHAEOPTERYX - The oldest known bird
- Sinornithosaurus: A poisonous bite | deadly day or night | Planet Dinosaur | BBC
- ARCHAEOPTERYX - the jurassic period
- The Origin of Birds ? HHMI BioInteractive Video
- The Perfect Reptile-Bird Hybrid Definitely Looks the Part
- Interesting Facts About Archaeopteryx
- Microraptor | Flying Dinosaur | Planet Dinosaur | BBC
- Flying Microraptor - Planet Dinosaur - Episode 2 - BBC One
- Oviraptorid Fights to Protect Nest | Planet Dinosaur | BBC Earth
- Dinosaur Planet - Oviraptor philoceratops
- Mosasaur and Ammonite animation clips: Ancient New Zealand
- Ammonite
- Nautilus Feeding
- The Amazing Shapes of Ammonites
- Mind Blowing Fossils at Tucson's Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show 2018 (Part 4)
- アンモナイトの生態に光 県自然博物館で企画展
- アンモナイトの発掘 | クリップ | NHK for School
- The Cretaceous-Palaeogene Mass Extinction: What Do We Really Know?
- Experience the Disaster that Wiped Out Dinosaurs
- Cretaceous?Paleogene extinction event - Video Learning - WizScience.com
- The Day the Mesozoic Died: The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs - HHMI BioInteractive Video
- How did an Asteroid Drive the Dinosaurs to Extinction? | Earth Unplugged
- How Asteroids Really Killed The Dinosaurs - Part 2 | Last Day Of The Dinosaurs
- How Dinosaurs Went Extinct!
- Are Birds Modern-Day Dinosaurs? | National Geographic
- Chicxulub Tsunami.mov
- Chicxulub impact visualization
- Discovery Channel - Large Asteroid Impact Simulation
- KT Asteroid Impact
- Recreating Asteroid Strike That Killed Dinosaurs
- Last days of Dinosaurs
- Mutant Planet- The Evolution of Marsupials
- Marsupials, monotremes & eutherians | Australia
- How Marsupials Are Different From Other Mammals (4K)
- How South America Made the Marsupials
- Biology Evolution part 9 (Adaptive Radiation : Marsupials & Placental Mammals) class 12
- Lecture 18 ? Cenozoic Earth History Paleogene and Neogene
- Lecture 20 ? Cenozoic Life
- Evolution of Life After the Dinosaur Extinction
- What was life like during the Paleogene Time Period ?
- CO2 May Make Earth +10-15oC Hotter, Like Early Paleogene
- The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (In Our Time)
- Global Warming Science - 1.2.4 - The Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- The Paleocene?Eocene Thermal Maximum 56 Mil yrs ago (PETM) - The Best Documentary Ever
- Looking Forward by Looking Back: What Does the Fossil Record Say About Climate Change?
- Science Bulletins: PETM - Unearthing Ancient Climate Change
- When Birds Stopped Flying
- Can We Get DNA From Fossils?
- Cenozoic: Age of the Mammals
- The Evolution of Elephants
- The Evolution of Primates
- When Whales Walked
- CENOZOIC MARINE ANIMALS. size comparison . paleoart
- The Only Extinct Order of Marine Mammals - Desmostylians
- The Mystery of the Eocene's Lethal Lake
- How a Supervolcano Made the Cenozoic's Coolest Fossils
- When Antarctica Was Green
- How Horses Took Over North America (Twice)
- The LARGEST LAND MAMMALS of different groups. Size comparison. Paleoart
- Elephants and Mammoths Comparison (Elephantidae)
- Elephants and Mammoths Comparison Size Living Extinct 60fps
- Prehistoric Predators of Ice Age North America 2018 National Geographic
- The Earth 100,000 Years Ago | 100,000 Subscribers Special
- Formation of Himalayas HD
- How were the Himalayas formed? || Folding, Pangaea, Tethys Sea, Eurasia
- Collision of India & Tectonic Evolution of SE Asia - CR Scotese
- Birth of himalayan range
- What is the jet stream and how does it affect the weather?
- Advantages of Himalayan mountain to India
- Impact of Climate Change on Himalayan Glaciers and Glacial Lakes - ICIMOD
- Planet Earth BBC - Himalayas & the Monsoon
- Episode 1: Reaching the mid-Miocene
- Episode 2: Birth of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution and the Earth Climate presented by Dr. Flavio Justino
- NASA | The Bedrock Beneath
- The Formation of the Mediterranean Sea
- Messinian salinity crisis animation
- The evaporating Mediterranean Sea | BBC
- Isolation and partial desiccation of the Mediterranean - the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
- Summary of the NHK documentary on the Messinian salinity crisis 日本語
- The History of Climate Cycles (and the Woolly Rhino) Explained
- That Time the Mediterranean Sea Disappeared
- Great Transitions: The Origin of Humans ? HHMI BioInteractive Video
- Seven Million Years of Human Evolution
- Human Origins 101 | National Geographic
- Most MYSTERIOUS Extinct Human Species!
- Origins of Genus Homo?Australopiths and Early Homo; Variation of Early Homo; Speciation of Homo
- When We First Walked
- When We Tamed Fire
- The Humans That Lived Before Us
- The Neanderthals That Taught Us About Humanity
- Neanderthals 101 | National Geographic
- Homo Sapiens vs Neanderthals | The Evolution of Language
- When We Took Over the World
- Map Shows How Humans Migrated Across The Globe
- 【人類誕生CG】440万年前の人類は愛妻家でイクメンだった
- 【人類誕生CG】370万年前の人類は虫を食べていた!
- 【人類誕生CG】240万年前の人類のライバルはハイエナ!?
- 【人類誕生CG】180万年前の人類はマラソンランナーだった
- 【人類誕生CG】5万5000年前 ホモ・サピエンスとネアンデルタール人の出会い
- 【人類誕生CG】5万年前 ネアンデルタール人 vs. 巨大生物
- 【人類誕生CG】4万3000年前 進化したホモ・サピエンスの狩り
- 【人類誕生CG】4万年前 ひ弱なホモ・サピエンスが集団で結束できた理由とは?
- Quaternary glaciation
- How Ice Ages Happen: The Milankovitch Cycles
- 02 - 2 The Great Ice Age - Pleistocene Glaciation
- Ice Ages & Climate Cycles
- Glacial erosion.mov
- What are glaciers, and how do they impact the land?
- Lecture 19 ? Cenozoic Earth History Quaternary Version 2
- The Last Four Glacial Cycles
- Last Glacial Maximum - Video Learning - WizScience.com
- ice age sea levels
- Sea Levels During The Last Ice Age Coastlines
- Last Glacial Maximum
- Where Did Humans Go During the Last Ice Age?
- Laurentide Ice Sheet
- The Last Ice Age (120 000 years ago to Modern)
- Human Population Through Time
- Late Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinctions
- The Extinct Ice Age Mammals of North America
- The Story of Saberteeth 日本語訳付き
- The Mystery Behind the Biggest Bears of All Time
- The Rise and Fall of the Bone-Crushing Dogs
- Extinct & Enormous: The Massive Marsupials of Australia
- Comparison Size Animals Living Extinct
- 25 Largest Extinct Species of Modern Animals
- When the Sahara Was Green
- The Last Time the Globe Warmed
- How 7000 Years of Epic Floods Changed the World (w/ SciShow!)
- 奇跡が生んだ世界の標準時計 福井県水月湖
- 水月湖 180731 ?映像素材?
- The Miracle Global Standard Timescale : Lake Suigetsu, Fukui Prefecture
- Is an Ice Age Coming? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
- Global Climate Change: Paleoclimate
- Diatoms, Coccolithophores & Climate Change
- Global Climate Change (540Ma to Modern) CR Scotese
- NASA | The Arctic and the Antarctic Respond in Opposite Ways
- Disappearing Arctic sea ice
- Climate models questioned by Pliocene ocean temperatures
- The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had over 400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2
- Global Warming Science - 0.2 - Climate change through geological time
- ESS3D - Global Climate Change
- Causes and Effects of Climate Change | National Geographic
- What is global circulation? | Part Three | The Coriolis effect & winds
- 10,000 years of temperature history disputes the notion of recent unusual and unprecedented warming.
- The Gulf Stream Explained
- How do ocean currents work? - Jennifer Verduin 日本語訳付き
- Sea-level curve | Wikipedia audio article
- Global vs Local Sea Level
- Humanity and a Million Years of Sea Level Change - Dr Nicholas Flemming
- From Glaciation to Global Warming - A Story of Sea Level Change
- Contributors to sea-level rise
- 22 Years of Sea Level Rise Measured From Space | Video
- 「重力ではかる南極氷床変動と海水準変動」講師:福田洋一
- Rising Ocean Temperatures are "Cooking" Coral Reefs | National Geographic
- First Ever Footage: Watch Coral Bleaching Happen Before Your Eyes | National Geographic
- Michael Holcomb - Effects of ocean acidification on coral calcification: insights from geochemistry
- 有孔虫の炭酸カルシウム殻形成は水素イオン排出がカギ~海洋酸性化に対する予想外の耐性~
- 海洋酸性化の進行と微生物への影響
- 海洋の酸性度(pH) / Sea acidity
- 未来予測シミュレーション 海洋酸性度 / Future Projection, Sea Acidity
- A world with this much CO2: lessons from 4 million years ago
- The world of the future after 100 million years
- 【ナショジオDVD】+6℃ 地球温暖化最悪のシナリオ
- Oxygen Isotopes and the Paleoclimate Record
- Climate Energy Challenge - 3.3 - Determining Past Temperatures With Oxygen Isotope Ratios
- Isotope fractionation
- How do tiny fossils help us learn about past climates? | Natural History Museum
- Isotopic Fractionation- Climate
- How to pass the exam. isotope geochemistry
- Distilling isotopes: Why ice sheets have such a light isotope composition
- 26. Isotope Evidence for Climate Change
- Introduction to the stable isotope Lecture
- Stable Isotopes fractionation and use in geosciences
- What are Isotopes?
- Isotopes and Elements Practice Problems
- What's the Difference between Mass Number and Atomic Mass?
- Fossil coral reefs show sea-level rose in bursts during last warming
- Revealing Climate Through Corals
- Coral Reefs & Climate Change
- Coral Cores - windows into past climate
- Examining Fossil Coral to Reveal Climate Trends
- Solitary (horn) corals facts and fossil collection
- Stable Isotope Equilibrium and Boron Isotopes as a pH proxy
- How Ancient Pollen Can Predict The Future
- A Day in Pompeii - Full-length animation
- 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
- 同位体のささやきから知る自然 和田秀樹 先生
- 「すごくヘンな石:地殻変動を調べる手がかり」増田俊明先生
- 「金、プラチナの輝き:レアメタルは地球のどこにある?」森下祐一先生
- 「生物の多様性と分類学 名前づけと認識をめぐって」塚越哲 先生
- 「貝形虫類(Ostracoda)の自然史研究-進化と多様性をめぐって-」塚越哲 教授
- 「静岡県における過去数千年間の津波・地震」北村晃寿 教授
- 「レベル1.5津波」北村晃寿先生
- 沈み込んだ海水が火山を作る 川本 竜彦先生
- 「マントルと超深海の海溝研究」道林克禎 教授
- 潮干狩りの古生物学 理学部地球科学科 佐藤慎一先生
- 「なぜ地球は『地球』となったのか?」平内健一 先生
- 「プレート境界地震の発生メカニズム -2011年東北地震後の進展-」 三井雄太 先生
- 静岡大学サイエンスカフェ「地震の発生理論解説」抜粋
- 恐竜時代の地球環境と生態系 地球科学科 池田昌之 先生
- 素数ゼミの謎~進化物語の科学 吉村 仁 先生
- 小惑星衝突による破壊と創造 (ガス銃を用いた衝突模擬実験)三重野 哲 先生